Guidepoint connects clients with vetted subject matter experts—Advisors—from our global professional network. Our clients leverage the insights and perspectives shared by our Advisors to stay informed and make better business decisions.

How Guidepoint Works

Request Expertise

Every Guidepoint client has a dedicated Project Manager and service team. Reach your Project Manager online or by phone to let them know what expertise you’re seeking and your timeframe.

Select Advisors

Your Project Manager will provide appropriate, relevant Guidepoint Advisors that best fit your project needs. Select the Advisors you would like to connect with and Guidepoint takes care of the logistics.

Learn from Advisors

You’ll learn from the right Advisors every time, vetted to ensure consistency with Guidepoint’s industry-leading compliance platform. Your services are scheduled and provided in a timely manner so you can begin learning from Advisors as soon as possible.

Our clients learn from Advisors through our unique service offerings such as phone consultations, events, surveys, and data.

Guidepoint by the Numbers




Offices Globally

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Experts in Our Network

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Daily Interactions

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